Friday, July 11, 2008

Lake Ontario

The next leg of our trip leaving Niagara Falls consisted of travelling around the west and north of Lake Ontario until we reached Montreal - our target destination. The plan was to camp and swim as much as possible.

The first night, we scored a municipal campsite outside of Toronto and took the subway downtown and the ferry to Centre Island where we heard there was a swimming beach:

Views of Toronto from the Island and ferry on our way back.

The next night we made it Prince Edward County - a concentration of islands on the north side of Lake Ontario. We were hoping to score a campsite at the SandBanks, a provincial park well known for their white sands beaches. Alas! We were too late and the provincial park was WELL-KNOWN. So we hunted around for a private camp park. Not too bad, we were able to get a camp spot on the lake.

with a playground!
It's too bad that we didn't get to camp at Sandbanks, which I expect to be similar to Assateague Island with waterfront beach side camping - without the mosquitos, horseflies, and searing sun! - But we were safe and had a nice place to sleep. We should have gotten up and out earlier. Flexibility is the mantra of the road. Without it, the frustration would render travel pointless. The compromise reached was to give up the gorgeous sand beach, but the kids got a playground, and I was still set up right on the lake.

The next morning, we DID get up and out early and was rewarded with the sunrise on a small ferry that was part of rt 33 in Prince Edward County!
Ui-Seng was out to see it....
Evains, on the other hand... was sleeping in the car.

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