Thursday, August 28, 2008

The DNC - Happy Things

Happy things that make Rolla happy. The small sparks that truly restore hope to her soul.

Iraq Veterans Against the War march on the DNC in Denver. In good faith, these loyal Americans deliver a letter addressed to Senator Obama. A moment of collective joy as Obama's man comes out to meet them.... ...followed by the crush of empty promises. ...But hope never dies!

This is what democracy looks like!!

(No, not the police in riot gear! That's what fascism looks like. The veterans...)

Note: That's Ron Kovic from Born on the Fourth of July (1989), for those of you old enough to remember!?!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


MANDATORY Viewing for EVERY American:

Charles Ferguson, Brookings Institute Senior Fellow, after a long career including a math degree, founding and selling a startup IT company, three published techie books, ...and from Cal SF... in 2005 discovers a void in the documenting of US Iraq Policy, so forms his own company to do just that!

No End in Sight

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Jazon Mraz

Ui-Seng is standing on a ledge. The two of us are peering through the open window at DuClaw's - our typical method of catching live music at Fells Point bars on summer evenings - tonight, a singer on his acoustic guitar hooked to an amp singing about the Baltimore Skyline.

"Is that an electric guitar?" UiSeng wonders at the set up.
"Did you write that song," I ask the performer.
"No. I wish I wrote that song. That was written by Jason Mraz. He's from Mechanicsburg, Virginia."

Prompting me to google Jason "Moraz" stumbling onto his hit "I'm Yours," a veritable anthem to the on-the-road affair! Like the performer at DuClaws, I wish I had written that song... I have lived it! Reminiscent of aimless days wandering, where life is distilled to its basic elements. It is in this space that love rears up in its purest form. For a moment (3:41 minutes - the length of the song), I, re-live those moments.

I'm Yours