Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Laid at my Steps

Ask and it will come. Literally! knocking at my front steps.

Since Ui-Seng's birth, Frantz and I have pegged our little daughter for a life of performance. With a natural charisma, a command of her audience, a thoughtful awareness of people, and unassuming beauty, (I know! I am her mother!) she seemed destined for a life on the stage in front of bright lights.

Well, of course, then they grow up and begin to assert their own opinion. Ui-Seng does NOT WANT to be a big star on TV, performing in front of lots of people. NO! She refuses. And insists her role remains behind the scenes: writer, director, supporter of her more spotlight loving peers. In their current peer-inspired class production of Elementary School Musical, she is preparing the script and writing the lyrics to the songs.

So much for her destiny on the receiving end of the camera....

Last night, Suzie, a neighbor we have known for much of the eight years we have been in Baltimore knocked on our door unexpectedly. Suzie's daughter, Cleo, is completing her junior year at Baltimore School for the Arts. We have watched her grow up since 6th grade. She has been active in local theater since we met her, a participant in the School for the Arts TWIGS Theater program. The Fells Point Corner Theater is one of the local neighborhood theaters Cleo has been involved with forever, and tonight, they were in desperate need for children to cast in their Christmas Pageant.

"Can you come around to the theater and check it out?!"

We threw on our coats and headed to the theater, literally 5 houses away from ours, the kids whispering to me through gritted teeth, "we are NOT auditioning for this play." Neverthless, we visited and were invited to come WATCH their rehearsal on Thursday.

"The part is theirs if they will take it."

We will see what will happen on Thursday, although Evains has already been enticed at the prospect of playing a naughty boy who does not know how to behave in church and disrupts service with his little friend.

Me? I believe destiny knocks when we surrender our will to control it.

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