Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jesus Camp

OK. I have an avaricious appetite for watching disturbing documentaries. Just recently watched Dear Zachary and Body of War with streaming tears at points in the films.

No flick in a long time, however, has had the disturbing effect of Jesus Camp on me, so I am moved to write this note in order to give voice to the flutter in my chest.

It could be the absolute genius in which Becky Fisher employs effective teaching strategies, technology, props, music, and kinetics to "teach" and inspire her children. It pains me in my heart imagining what an amazing school teacher she would be. That jello brain mold and sticky hands thing totally blew me away! "Teacher of the Year" for sure as well as some sort of nationwide workshop conference to train others in her ways.

The other piece of it is the bridge to the spirit world called upon in service to their cause that, for me, is always a kind, compassionate, humble bridge that leads unconditionally towards correct thought and action. I don't believe they would call upon this if their intention were any different. My perception that they call upon it in service towards incorrect path is most disturbing... to me.

Jesus Camp

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