Monday, June 08, 2009

facebook ...hunter s thompson videos to share from my muses

My personal blog competes drastically with facebook with facebook winning out for the time being. It's too easy to hide behind a software platform - not that blogger is not a software platform - but one so much more skeletal in structure than the fully fleshed, replete with stocked refrigerator and even a game room, facebook social networking site. There is a strain of thought within me that wants to recede facebook to the secondary update site in favor of this arena that has not been manifested to any success yet. However, the intention is always there; dormant.

Strange what things guide you back to the roadway of your journey. Teavolve, a friendly, peaceful, spot to sit all day conducive to my creative juices proved to be one key. Another would be my current muse, Hunter S. Thompson (HST), whom I discovered in the quest of making sense of a puzzling, unintelligible Johnny Depp/Benicio del Toro flick I stumbled onto: "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" Placed in the context of HST, the film at least has a context, however, I am not sure I would "get" the movie still. More importantly, following the trail of benicio del toro to fear and loathing to HST, led me to my voice that makes sense in my brain. And so here we are. A new post after months and months, and hopefully multiple chapters in my book project.

Here, I share some videos that have inspired me recently.

This clip was so amazing, I was almost in tears. I couldn't say it any better than this, so I will lift the comments directly from Jason Mraz: "Do you think the people on the outside of the dance mass have any idea that there is a jaunty little fellow in the middle who inspired it all? Drop a pebble in a lake and eventually the ripples go beyond what you’re capable of seeing. If you can touch, move, or inspire just one person in your lifetime, it will have a powerful impact on the world." - Jason Mraz
Sasquatch Music Festival 2009

This clip falls into a long line of pretty songwriters on acoustic guitar singing their hearts out captured on my "beautiful" radar. A true connoisseur of beauty, that's me!
Tje Austin

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