Thursday, September 30, 2021

4 Corners

It was the last four days of the Cycle September Challenge and I got a text from Meg. "I want to hit all four corners of the City in the last four days. Which corner would you rather ride, SE or SW?" I was reminiscent of Meg rolling up on me and my daughter at Patterson Park when she first moved to Baltimore fulfilling her quest to bike to every neighborhood in the City. What better way to familiarize yourself to a new city than by bike! That was a few years ago. Now we are at tomorrow. She sent two google routes: Do you want to go down to dundalk or through leakin park to the piercer? I love a working harbor, but it is closer and a piercer sounds like an adventure. "piercer through leakin!" was my easy choice. Last day of September and the sky could not have been bluer. We meandered our way through debris-strewn back roads, navigated potholes (and bigger holes), braved tailing cars, found ~50-ft of bike trail on Frederick Ave, and arrived to the piercer just in time to bask in the last warmth of the setting sun as we waited our turn on their outdoor porch. Dermal piercing mission accomplished, we took the quick way home along Baltimore Street on a less auto-traveled road. Famished, Tabor hit the spot. Another great end to a weeknight. Another ride in the books. #BaltimoreLove #BikeLove

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