Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Just Cuz

5 minutes from home coming off of my 40 minute work commute (in my car) from Aberdeen at ~6p, my phone rings. It's Meg. "Are you home? I'm by your house and was wondering if you wanted to ride around on the bike with me." YES!! I'll be home in 2 minutes. It was the day before the autumnal equinox so darkness was encroaching upon the evening. On this particular day, the sky was thick with dark clouds and a strong waterfront wind was sweeping through the streets. I parked two blocks away - not bad for a weekday after work arrival in Fells Point. As soon as we got started, we felt the water droplets. Droplets become torrents became sheets. But it had been a 12 hour work day, and 2x40 minutes in an automobile. It felt amazing to be on human-powered 2 wheels, whipped in the wind, washed by the rain. The perfect way to end the work day.

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