Friday, September 05, 2008

The RNC - Pre-emptive ACTION

So, the RNC has a ten million dollar contract with the City of St. Paul for lawsuits. A pre-emptive understanding that they will violate the civil rights of folks who will sue the city to the tune of 10 million dollars!

More ominous than variegated violence against compliant or confrontational (oh no! the angry left!) protesters marching within or outside unreasonable permit restrictions is the pre-emptive targeting of the press. This occurred on August 30, the Sunday BEFORE the convention.
The Cheney-Rumsfeld neo-con administration has embraced the idea of pre-emptive action! Ron Suskind does a wonderfully engaging job of documenting this process in his book: The One Percent Doctrine. And it has been implemented with a vengeance.

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