Saturday, September 20, 2008

Scenes from My Waterfront

I was so inspired when Ron Suskind got up out of his "Director's Chair" and exclaimed, "I need to walk. You know, when I write, I'm always walking around. Getting my ideas and then scrambling back to my desk to write it down before I forget!" I relate to this!

The walk along the waterfront serves many functions. It destresses, relaxes, and purifies the mind. This helps the mind to think, the spirit to regenerate, and the body to unwind.

Saturday, September 20 was the Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Cleanup day and lo and behold! There was an event scheduled in my hood: The Living Classrooms Foundation sponsored an event.

The same old realizations continue to prove themselves. Back in my Civil Engineering student days, we dissected trash so we could design waste management systems. We learned that certain things remain in landfills forever.... We had NO WAY to manage this waste. What are they? Plastics, styrofoam, and aluminum. Life never strays very far from the basics. What did we fish out of the water this day? Let's see...

Be kind to our waste stream. Eschew the use of these materials. Aluminum can be efficiently recycled, so that's ok as long as you DIVERT them from the waste stream. NO PLASTIC BAGS!!! Bring your own when you shop. Bring reusables with you when you go out to eat or drink. Is this strange to ask? You tell me where these materials will end up if we continue to generate them?
Here are shots taken from my waterfront walk. Muse. Regeneration. Relaxation.

Who wouldn't be inspired!

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